Andrea and Her Chickens

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Andrea who really liked animals. Her quote is: “I think that people should kill less animals. Animals are cute, and when one of them gets killed, that’s a sad scene.”

One day, Andrea was very interested in starting a poultry farm.

“Mamma,” said Andrea, “can we PLEASE get some chicks?”

“Are you sure?” asked Mamma,“That would be extra homework. You would have to feed them, change their water, help build a coop, collect their eggs, and kill them…”

“No!” interrupted Andrea, “I don’t want to KILL the chickens! I hate seeing them getting their heads chopped off!”

“Sorry, Andrea, ” Mamma said calmly, “but we do love meat and we are tired of going to the store to buy some chicken. They will have to get killed…”

“No!” insisted Andrea “ You should all be vegetarians.”

“What is a vegetarian?” asked Mamma.

“A vegetarian is someone that does not eat meat.” answered Andrea.

“That means that you shouldn’t eat saradines anymore.” said Mamma.

“No.” said Andrea, “That would be a vegan. Vegans are people that do not eat any animal products.”

She had a very loose tooth, that just came out from eating a bagel.

“It’s 10:00.” said Daddy, “Way past your bedtime.”

“O.K.” said Andrea. “I love poultry, I love poultry. If only people stop killing them, they are cute, and eventually, I would get some chicks, and stop people from killing them.” sang Andrea as she put her lost tooth under her pillow. In bed, Andrea dreamed of her buying some chickens.

The next day, Andrea and her family went to the feed store to buy some food for their cat. Her parents let her buy anything she wanted with her money. Guess what she saw? Andrea saw a brooder full of adorable peeping chicks and ducklings! And she and her parents all live in a rural residential zone, which means they can have chickens! She researched the local law secretly on Mamma’s iPad.

“Now this is what I want.” said Andrea to herself.

“Andrea,” said Mamma, “What do you want to spend your money on?”

“I’ll get 10 of these,” Andrea said pointing to a bin full of chicks, “and 4 of those.” she said pointing to a bin full of ducklings.

“Are you sure?” said Mamma.

“Yes!” said Andrea.

“Wouldn’t you rather get that wonderful bird feeder?” said Mamma.

“No.” said Andrea, “You said I could get ANYTHING I want. And this is what I want.”

“Okay Andrea,” said Mamma, “if you really want that, fine. But YOU will have to take care of them.”

So, Andrea bought the chicks and ducklings. They bought all the supplies. Andrea managed to set up the chick brooder in the barn. She sang to them, and also told them stories.

The next day, Andrea woke up and feed the chicks and ducklings, changed their water, and shared playtime with them. Just then, Mamma came in.

“Andrea,” said Mamma, “It is time to go to school!”

“No way!” argued Andrea.

“You will learn a lot.” said Daddy. “Fine.” said Andrea as she walked to the bus stop.

Pretty soon, the bus came.

“Good morning!” said Mr. Jackson, the bus driver, “Hop on!”

Andrea got on the bus, and sat in an empty seat.

Six months later, Andrea spent most of her time with the chickens. Then she lived happily ever after.

The End