The Wolf and the Crane

The Wolf was eating a fish, and a bone got stuck in his throat. He felt great pain, and could not get it out.

So he went running to the Crane. He knew that the crane, with her long neck and beak, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out.

“Help me get this bone out of my throat,” the Wolf groaned hoarsely, “and you will earn yourself a nice reward.”

The Crane, deep down, wasn’t comfortable about putting her head in a wolf’s throat. But she was tempted by the reward, and being kind by nature she did what the Wolf asked.

When the Crane pulled the bone out, the Wolf just turned around and started to walk away.

“Hey, you promised me a reward!” called the Crane.

“What!” growled the Wolf, “I let you take your head out of my throat without biting it off! Isn’t that reward enough?”

If you help the wicked, don't expect a reward,
and consider yourself lucky if you escape unharmed.

The End